Head 1. They are here for a long time

finally. This painful torture, apparently, Not all children are kept, much of it after this operation, dying or becoming mentally ill, but a certain part survived and reached adulthood. The custom was practiced throughout the world: deformed skulls are found in North, Central and South America (especially among the Inca burials), in Ancient China, Egypt, in Crete, in North (Lapland), Central and Eastern Europe. Judging from the excavations, holders of deformed skulls belonged to the privileged sections of society (governors, Priests). The most famous among them are the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (1418-1400 he. BC), his wife Nefertiti and their daughters, images which have reached us in the frescoes and sculptured products. The famous Swiss writer and supporter of the idea of ​​aliens visiting Earth in the past, Eric Von Daniken conjectured, that the operation was performed in order to make the head shape, similar to the shape of heads of aliens from outer space, "Heavenly gods", have visited Earth in prehistoric times, to look in the eyes of the people descended from the Sons of Heaven. Also very strange, but modern contactees describe the aliens with a "pear", "Ovate" heads, "Dynegolovymi".

As for the "trepan", the holes in human skulls were made in vivo, not as a result of injuries or medical experimentation on corpses. The most ancient of these skulls (found the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) about 10000 years (Neolithic). Sometimes trepanation holes in the skull a few, and they were carried out at different times.

Traces of bone tissue regeneration, rounded, as if the bones fused edges indicate, According to experts, that these complex neurosurgical operations were successful, and patients after they had lived for several years. It is not known for what purpose were these transactions. Perhaps, the most daring and crazy time version — to affect some brain centers for purposeful change in their functioning, let us say, to awaken a man of unusual properties of the psyche. But, no active centers of the brain in these sectors is not the head.

In the years, more close to our age, particularly, when there was a written, the number of mentions of miracles has increased dramatically. At this time,, miracles have occurred in the sky. In the ancient chronicles and folklore sources are found descriptions of unusual celestial phenomena, and unique events, observed by the then inhabitants of Kievan Rus. These descriptions have a number of common features, which can not be explained, if we consider what happened just like normal atmospheric or space phenomena.

Flying Cross Apostle Andrew in Kiev mountains. Thumbnail Radziwill Chronicle XV century. On the upper right passage is very remarkable, "UFO" object

In the chronicles of the XII century Hypatian says: "It was a sign of the river Dnepr, not far from Kiev: flying in the sky like a circle of fire, and changed the direction… and that was the day ". In turn, the XV century Nikon Chronicle reported: "One day the Divine Liturgy, many of the parishioners of the Church of the Nativity seen high in the sky, stretched thin as a cloud, or like smoke poured a thin, whiteness as pure frost, lordship as the sun shone. Here, then, subtlety and lightness of the clouds seen the kind of "image", rising to the sky…».

In the book of Daniel Svyatskov "Astronomy in the Russian chronicles" (St. Petersburg, 1909), These facts are taken from, describes a number of phenomena, which can not be any meteorites, or comet, no optical mirages. Here is an excerpt from a letter from a priest of the village Ruff, where the phenomenon is described in detail, observed in the sky 29 November 1662 year: «…At the going down of the sun in our village and other villages, many people have seen in the sky, a sign of terrible: only the sun went down, from this place, where the sun went down, as the star of a big and long, and seemed out of the sky, like lightning… was about half an hour. The light was indescribable — as if the fire, Many have seen in that light high above the heads of the people much "image"… Then, on the spot, where the "image" was, as if a cloud appeared and a little murky. Sky closed, and the fire began to fall to the ground… then rose up into the cloud, and in this cloud began to smoke and noise, like thunder, for a long time. The earth shook, and the house shook, and many people from horror fall to the ground. And all sorts of household pets in a heap of rushing, holding their mouths with a half-eaten food, head raised to heaven, and roared, as if the die…».

This is a "sign of the terrible" observed in the monastery of St. Cyril, four hundred kilometers to the west: «…Came out as the star, and quickly rolled down the sky, Unreached of the earth, and stood up as the great Fleece. And out of it, like lightning, taken off the fire very bright, not like a normal fire. All lit up, inside buildings, and neighborhood. From the point, where the star, appeared as though a cloud of murky, and it stretches from the sky like a great snake, head in the fire… and went out of his smoke, Also was the noise and thunder… and the fire did not fall to the ground, and went through our monastery ".

By the way, Our ancestors left evidence of "heavenly things" not only in the form of texts. In a nutshell Radziwill Chronicle with illustration to the text of the Vishgorod hunting prince of Kiev, Vsevolod (Chronicle reports, that "When Vsevolod hunted animals… fell from the sky greatest of snakes, and they were amazed all the people. At this time, the land slammed, so that many have heard ") depicts a strange device semicircular, hanging in the air. On the other miniature of the same record we see a group of people with hands up, indicating… "Flying saucer", which hung in the sky and from which extend downward "pillars of fire".

These "pillars of fire", in which it is easy to learn contemporaries searchlight beams, found in the chronicle sources have repeatedly. So, in the "Life of St. Theodosius', where it comes to choosing a site for the temple of the Mother of God of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, said: "Then the pillar of fire appeared from heaven to earth… and sometimes a rainbow went to this place…».

Icon «Crucifix» The sixteenth century, stored at the Lviv Museum of Ukrainian Art and part of the mural «The crucifixion» (1350 year, из монастыря Visoki Descani в Косово, Yugoslavia). There are some similarities, as in the XV century Radziwill Chronicle

Strange "celestial objects" go to the Ukraine and in the XIX century. Lots of interesting papers on this subject is stored in the Central State Archive. Archival paper, in particular, describe in detail the events of the mid- 1859 year, when in Kyiv and Volyn provinces mentioned just did "UFO invasion".

A report from the police officer Radomyshl Zemsky 19 May 1859 years suggests, that early in the morning 18 May Radomyshl County farmers have seen the core "fiery" color size, perceived as a normal eye, two and a half inches (1 inch — 4,445 cm). The body of the object had a tail (tozhecmgnenny ") as a ray of bright purple, with shades of green. The length of the beam consisted of a half feet (1 cubit — 71,12 cm), altitude of the body 60 fathoms (1 fathom — 2,1336 m). Then there were many such "cores". Some of them during his flight, spilling sparks, disappeared in the air, others, spilling in the same way, fell to the ground "with a bang, leaving no trace ", and some continued on my way. In his report to the authorities of police Radomyshl zemstvo mentions this: "Noticed the phenomenon in one direction near the tavern Traktovaya, belonging to the village Kolganovka. One of the meteors fell, obviously, resulting in a fire on the roof of the inn ".

On the day (and almost the same hour) in another village called Chernogorodka (already Vasilkovskaja County) Local residents have witnessed a similar "divine miracle". Early on the morning of church churchyard suddenly appeared "unknown person fired a rocket". Approaching at high speed to the temple, it is "three feet from the bell tower was burned in the air and is not caused her any harm". On this case, the priest of the parish church Maksimovich detailed report to Bishop Anthony Chigirinsky (case is described kolezhanskim Secretary Nikolai Terekhov).

In a report Tarashchanskii Zemsky police officer told, in May of that year, "appeared in the sky a fiery meteor, winding-longish, like a snake, that swept the air in the direction from west to east with unusual speed, and then exploded blow, such thunderous, and fell to the ground. After this, found the place a black mass of liquid layer, which had an unpleasant smell like sulfur[3]».

Interesting data report contains Skvirsky Zemsky Court: This was seen Ruzyne phosphorous object, flying at low altitude with a roar and had kind of a lightning.

In order not to weary the reader with a long list of archival documents, describing the strange events of the distant 1859 year, Suffice it to mention a report of Professor Rector of the University of Kiev Shilovsky Ivan Yakovich Neykrihu: "The proposition of your Excellency 30 May and 2 June 1859 , I have the honor to report, that the fiery meteors, seen in various places of Kyiv and Volyn provinces, are nothing new, since similar phenomena have repeatedly been observed before…».

And later,, I must say, also. This is how the anomaly, seen one old farmer, The famous Ukrainian writer I.Nechuy-Levitsky: "In the west, stood one single cloud, on the clear sky, all gold, with red edges… Above the steeple itself, in the forest, A man was standing on a cloud, transparent, as mist, and seemed to nod his hand, if called…» (1878 year).

And in some 14 years (in 1892 year), Ukraine is once again experienced a massive invasion of unidentified objects. Over the vast territory of the country rush mysterious airships, causing confusion citizens. The newspapers of the time you can find a lot of the most incredible stories.

"Vinnitsa. 25-March, in 10 pm, in the north-western part of the sky appeared a glowing, angular shape object, surrounded by strong light, as elektricheskiin. The subject of this stood motionless in the sky one point a few minutes, and then began to move slowly and as it dipped below the ground and completely out of sight. Over time, approximately 1/4 hours, the same phenomenon can be observed at the other end, and this time a mysterious object, circling in different directions, was seen in the course of an hour, and then, in 11 am, completely disappeared…» ("Odessa leaf", 28 March 1892 year).

"Dear Sir,, Mr. Editor! I consider it my duty to inform the esteemed newspaper, the appearance is not the first time and we have the "flying" machines. She was seen 15, 16, 17 and 23 March this year.

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