Head 8. Portrait of Ukrainian UFO

Head 8. Portrait of Ukrainian UFO

Statistics instructive only in the dynamics of

Eugene Hankin

Statistical studies of UFOs conducted to study the temporal, spatial, physical, optical, dynamic, sociological characteristics, as well as the impact of anomalous phenomena in nature, living organisms and human.

Starting with 1998 , the UFO Club "UFODOS" collects and analyzes evidence Ukrainian witnesses of UFO. Initially, it was electronic databases, consisting of fields and tables, employees that have been used on local machines. And in 2009 year, we gave this information publicly available format - a web application deployed on the site UFOBUA (www.ufobua.org.ua). Now everyone can benefit from the export of information for statistical research or do it directly on the site with special tools, on the improvement of which we are constantly working.

Ideally, the team UFOBUA seek registration of a UFO over the Ukraine in near real-time, case to be entered into the database and then running the mechanism of identification (including the mobilization of personnel in the region). Also, that is not fully eliminated, based on statistical arrays, we can try to predict the next flyapy UFOs, their local activation of a specific location or at a certain time.

Despite all the phantasmagoria, UFOBUA team continues to work in this direction and we are quite sure of his course.

Work in this direction are many, but some generalizing the results we bring to the public. The reader has the ability to visually draw conclusions about certain facets of the UFO phenomenon, and ufologists have the opportunity to compare them with their own research. It should be borne, that the most detailed statistical study by the formalization of the necessary input data lead to some distortion of the integration of content and information. However, they are required to obtain generalized characteristics of the UFO phenomenon!

So, what looks like "UFO phenomenon" in numbers? To do this, we divide the whole range of several factors: that (real factor), where (geography), when (time factor) there. But as the raw material we will 1042 the case of encounters with UFOs over the Ukraine from the "National Archives of evidence of a UFO in Ukraine" as of June 2011 year.

The real factor. Generalized portrait of Ukrainian UFO can be described in a few lines. As a rule, "Flying saucer" (as is customary to call them in common) appear in the evening hours over the sparsely populated areas of the country and look like multi-colored lights in the sky. UFOs appear suddenly and disappear just as suddenly (average length of UFO sightings is in the range 1-10 minute). Rarely, but still observed a UFO over 1-3 hours. The transience of what is happening is the cause of uninformative messages (as a rule, reported on the rapid passage of the object of some form, and thus is not a lot of detailed data, necessary to identify a flying object, which may well prove to be an airplane, helicopter, artificial earth satellite, or atmospheric phenomenon). In addition, it must be remembered, that the average intellectual level of a person memorizes 10% of, he hears, 35% of, he sees, and 55% of, he sees and hears the same time. Therefore, from researchers, studying eyewitness, eludes a lot of detailed data. In addition,, Many witnesses told of what had happened months or even years, when the memory of the event, "blunted".

Who sees them? Sceptics tend to argue, that the UFO seen alone, therefore, These messages can be explained by either a hoax, or hallucination. However, wrong to assume, what people are watching the UFO alone and are rarely able to confirm the appearance of someone else. This became apparent after, analyzed as above 150 More posts in 2002 year, employees UFODOS set: in 38% observation was an eye-witness, in 22% — UFO seen in pairs, and 40% — UFO observed numerous witnesses, that is, in most cases, there are many witnesses of the same appearance of UFOs. This completely refutes the "idle fictions" of skeptics.

The forms of UFOs over Ukraine. Data UFOBUA: 1042 cases as of June 2011 year

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