Head 6. Civilian research

Head 6. Civilian research

Our interest in stories — is part of our way to be

Mircea Eliade

In the public mind "UFO phenomenon" appeared, is known, in the U.S. 1947 year, when the pilot Kenneth Arnold told reporters on the observation in the Cascade Mountains (Pieces. Washington) flying down from the "flying saucers": "I distinctly saw their outlines against the backdrop of the snow, — He said after landing in Pendleton (Pieces. Oregon). — They flew directly to the south-east along the main ridge, like a goose, line up ".

The next day the story appeared in newspapers under the modest title "Flying Saucers". Soon eyewitness (he was an experienced pilot K.Arnold, industrialist, creator of the "great western fire protection system") picked up 150 U.S. newspapers, calling the U.S. a kind of mass hysteria. Following Arnold's message began to appear in print statements pilots, radar operators, and other qualified observers been set out on their mysterious objects in the air. With the supervision of Arnold there was publicity and legalization of the "UFO phenomenon", from the date of his observations are counting of UFOlogy, For the United States immediately began to form a data bank on UFOs, from which to begin any science.

Following the U.S. "UFO phenomenon" began to penetrate into other countries. Avalanche! Already in 1950 in Ukraine there were eyewitnesses of his UFO, who wrote letters to newspapers and magazines in the hope to hear from scientists about the miracles taking place: in 1953 by a large (diameter 250 m) a ball of fire over the village prolintel Borovenki (Lugansk region) at about 300 km / h; in 1958 over the city Chuguev (Kharkiv region) from east to west, against the backdrop of the clouds flew "ring, such as automobile tires "; fall 1959 with Golosiyivska area (Kiev) observed at high altitude fireball, which is flying at low speed in the direction of the forest and disappeared Holoseievski… Some scientists and engineers were on their own initiative to collect and study the facts of domestic reports of the appearance of unknown flying objects. Among them were - G. Pisarenko, About. Goroshko, A. Pop gun, And. Kuznetsov and others.

In 1960 a UFO in Ukraine do not come anymore. Possibly, triumphant conquest of space has forced the Soviet Union of Ukrainians look more at the sky? A meeting with an alien in Cherkassy (1960), combat flight over Kiev ellipses (1961), Transformation of a UFO in the Carpathians (1961), mass observation "parade of UFOs" over Richard Castle in Kiev (1962), "Parade of UFOs" over the settlement Baryshevka (1962), luminous flux striking silver-white light over the bodies of Zhitomir, Киевом, Cherkassy, ​​etc.. (1963), Mass UFO sighting in the Crimea (1964), Polymorphism of UFOs from the ball in the "cigarette" in Sumy region (1965), glowing balls in the Chernigov and Zaporozhye regions (1966), "Rigid beam" of UFOs in the skies of Crimea (1967)… — by no means an exhaustive list of anomalous occurrences of the period. Meets first and cautious interpretation of the UFO-miracles in the literature. In 1964 in the novel "Falling Up" Poleschuk Alexander Lazarevic (1923-1979), describes a number of cases, meetings with the "flying saucers" and describes the phenomenon kontakterstva - contact with the higher cosmic beings.

Then came the 1970s. UFO type "courage". So, in the reports of eyewitnesses are beginning to flicker such details as the unusual shape of UFOs (Putivl, 1970; Dnepropetrovsk, 1974), complex maneuvers and landings of UFOs (Карпово, 1973; Zolochev, 1979), abduction — alien abductions (Ivano-Frankivsk, 1974), UFO crash (Donetsk, 1974), UFO on the impact of technology and people (Oniskovo, 1976), meeting with extraterrestrials (Oniskovo, 1976; Lions, 1977), UFO activity in certain areas — anomalous zones (Kharkiv, 1979) and other phenomena with elements of "high strangeness". A bright page in the history of Ukrainian went ufology 1978 year, as a year of unprecedented UFO activity over Ukraine (has since maintained this strange trend - the activation of a UFO seen at the end of the decade).

Abnormal incidents of the 1970s draw to the attention of not only the press, which, but, preferred to remain silent even if, and official institutions of the country. Suffice to quote a letter Ukrainian Hydrometeorological management and control of the natural environment (Number of OPO-1104/3-M 30.07.1979 year): "In the case of observing unusual phenomena, and their impact on the environment and living organisms, information to be sent without delay ".

But to date UFO boom in the country was still far…

At that time, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, and by the so-called "Petrozavodsk phenomenon" in September 1977 year study of UFOs in the "Red Country" ran into active opposition from a number of eminent scientists, the media was an active campaign to discredit and the problem itself, and witnesses of the UFO, and those, who insisted on a serious study of the phenomenon. Each, who claimed the observation of "flying saucer", could face a real threat to public ridicule, allegations of "incompetence", "Religious" and other "sins".

"Petrozavodsk phenomenon" contributed to the recognition of the UFO problem USSR, Even establishing the specific scientific theme "Galaxy" (director was a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR VV. Migulin). Qualitative changes began to occur in a state of social studies. Their long development, in the end, led to the emergence of many regional sections and UFO groups throughout the Soviet Union.

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