Head 4. Jigsaw puzzle of the big picture

Head 4. Jigsaw puzzle of the big picture

Facts have the disadvantage, there are too many

Samuel Makchord Kroderz

"The phenomenon of UFOs" is not limited to observations of "Night Lights" and "afternoon drive". The number of UFO phenomena are directly or indirectly, is an entire cohort of anomalous phenomena, humankind has long been observed, but numbered among the number of "UFO" was in the XX century.

It is no secret, that with the advent of thought about the possibility of aliens visiting Earth, which was directly related to the appearance in the public mind "UFO phenomenon", many anomalous phenomena were referred automatically to the number of UFO, ie. of, which can be interpreted as a byproduct of an extraterrestrial civilization, that visits Earth and, possibly, control of humanity.

Obviously, This approach is not correct. In any case, applied to many anomalous phenomena. "Explanations of obscure by obscure" - rough logic error. But, our goal is not included prioritization. Anomalous phenomena, a brief history of the emergence of which in Ukraine, we consider here, co-existed in parallel with the "UFO phenomenon" during the long history of, but the real debate on their substance, not so much going on, but for real, and not started ...

Crop Circles. In 1972 year, two Englishmen and A.Shattlvud B.Bond, Sitting on a hillside in the middle of grain fields seen, like right before their eyes of ears in a huge, ideally perfect circle. The story picked up by newspapers, but after a few years these "crop circles" were recorded in 30 countries around the world, Symposia of scientists gathered, published books and magazines, and in the international scientific revolution came the term "meadow phenomenon".

Last "circles on the field" showed up 18 June 2011 года в селе Кордышевка Винницкого района Винницкой области. According to local residents, on the eve of the field saw a UFO, который что-то «втыкал» в землю. Meanwhile, these formations are all signs of fraudulent

Crop Circles ("Labyrinths of fairies", 'Fairy circles', "Ring of the devil", «кропцирклы», "Agroglify", "British icon", etc.) — strange phenomenon in origin, in which the fields (wheat, rice…) there are community and / or other geometric shapes (line, Triangles, drawings) weighed down to the ground from the cultures. A distinctive feature of the phenomenon is the greatly increased complexity of the picture. In pursuit of advertising, British decided to usefully participate in the work - there were so-called seklmeykery (круготворцы), entire company, specializing in the manufacture of wheels, to advertise brands, trademarks, etc..

However, a closer acquaintance with the phenomenon is, that the "crop circles" — is not purely "English invention" of the late twentieth century. In medieval records can be found at least 200 mention of something similar, since IX century. In the Netherlands, "crop circles" described in the 1503 year, South of England — in 1618-1680 years. On the "meadow phenomenon" known and Slavic peoples. Let us recall the tale of "Little Humpbacked Horse": "Someone in the field began to walk and move his wheat… That was one hell ride down the tail and the grain…»

Collector and scholar of Slavic legends and fairy tales A.Afanasev (1826-1871), Recalling the story of Ukrainian peasants, refers to the round bald spots polegshey wheat or rye. Popular tradition associates with the advent of "crop circles" of such characters Slavic mythology, as divas, Fork and mavok, those strange characters, which we have already mentioned. Farmers southern Russian regions, for example, It is blamed for mavok polegshie stalks of rye and wheat, arguing, that appear in the morning on the fields and circles bald spots — this is the place, where they "danced in the night".

The classic of Ukrainian literature Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky (1838-1918) in the book "Vision of the Ukrainian people" (1876) property to do "circles" attributes mermaids: «Mermaids Ljubljana Dances. Tell, every night they lured to a shepherd and zahadaly it play a pipe. All night he played a shepherd, and all night dancing mermaid. The next day in that place to know on the grass mugs, and there, where shepherd vybyvav foot time, Bull Amka».

One of the earliest references to the modern home "kroptsirklah", I know, dates from the 1950s. Kuvakin Sergei Pavlovich (esoteric artist) tell me, his grandfather, Fyodor Kuvakin Yakovich, working on farm fields in the village Rudka (Samborski District, Lviv Region) found in a wheat field, the classic "circle on the field". To clarify the strange circumstances, Fedor Yakovich called to the scene chairman of the kolkhoz, who was a great connoisseur of the paranormal phenomena, and reassured the assurance of a witness, that "this is just an ordinary meteorite" (!)

Establish a direct connection between "crop circles" Ukrainian ufologists failed in May 1990 year. Then over the farm fields of "proletarian" Magdalinovskogo area (Dnipropetrovsk region) UFOs every night to hang 9 on 12 number. They were observed flying up and landing on the field of moments, At the same time in the electric voltage is dropped, several times, even the light is completely disconnected. A landing on the ground the next morning found the community. One of them, diameter 8 meters, appeared near the power line, was familiar surroundings — four symmetrically placed small circle, remote from the main to the 9 meters (in tserealogii, Science studies the "meadow phenomenon" of such a pattern is called "buckshot").

"Meadow phenomenon" in the Ukraine from year to year, making itself felt more and more new formations (they appear, as a rule, in July and August). The most favored regions of their occurrence are central and eastern regions of Ukraine. Unfortunately, In recent years, there is often outspoken man-made education - made for the glory, advertising, or simply nothing better to do. Of the latter, such dubious "circles", can be called "Kotovsky" (detected 25 June 2010 , the inhabitants of the area, "Chestnut" in the Odessa region) or "Kordyshevsky" (9 circles of different formations found 18 June 2011 in the village Kordyshevka Vinnytsia region). Yes, and according to world statistics, about 70% studied by specialists of "crop circles" were, to put it mildly, fakes. So, there is a strong phenomenon of discrediting him and the lack of significant research interest.

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