Head 3. A typical Ukrainian "meeting"

Do we have reason to believe the words of an eyewitness? After all, virtually no physical traces of the meeting with UFOs and the impact on the witness we have no. We only have a very funky happened eyewitness, finished at least the hundredth time to tell the story, which got into trouble, in order, that one day someone will explain it: what happened to him, what kind of impact beams, he has experienced and that, in the end, All this means?

Of course, without going into details, referring to the absurd statements about the "need" and "pan" and is not particularly straining to search for possible explanations, our hero can deliver an eloquent diagnosis, thus putting the stories on the big and bold cross. But any more or less experienced ufologist advise you not to jump to conclusions. A typical Ukrainian "meeting" with a UFO has a typical set of typical effects of such meetings:

— the absurdity of comedy and sometimes occurred — typical horse of the UFO phenomenon;

— stress, Shock and fear - a natural reaction when in contact with unexplained;

— blue rays, covering an eyewitness - a mandatory attribute abduction[1] in which, man "take" on board, spend on them "experiments", erase the memory and return back;

— trauma — the main type of disturbances of normal neuro-psychic activity of man in the near contacts with UFOs, expressed as follows: 1) loss of opportunity to think properly; 2) hypnotic state; 3) loss or distortion of memory; 4) loss of ability to act appropriately; 5) disorientation, the emergence of states such as affective, Depression, Panic, stupor, and other; 6) change in beliefs, stereotypes, installations; 7) physical impacts, which results in a violation of psychological activity ...

Has the "kidnapped" and subsequent amnesia deaf resident of the village of Kharkiv - we can not verify this (in this, surely, professionalism of the whole "steal"). But, that such cases are not isolated, and their contents are identical in general, and tell them not only to residents of Ukrainian villages and towns, об этом свидетельствуют хроники, accumulate in the dusty archives of UFO in many countries around the world.

From the history of Ukrainian UFO cases and can lead pofantastichnee. For example, with flights to other planets, or the acquisition of the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.. But, Such cases can be found in the archives of other countries. To the surprise of, they are very similar to each other, Although participants in this event, often, people, we say, "Far from the topic". And just as, as described in our "typical" case, virtually anywhere, "visitors" do not leave behind any physical evidence.

Hunting for ghosts continues ...


I.Tihonova "aliens attack the village", gazeta "Trud" № 18, 17-19 October 2007 Mr..

Report on meeting with the employee UFODOS witnessed by Sergei Petrov 28.12.2010

"UFO Dictionary Jaroslav Sochka", article "The Abduction", 2004

VG. Azazo, VI. Zabelyshensky "UFO. The reality and impact ", Moscow, "AST", 2008 Mr..

[1] Abduction (from the English. abduction — abduction) — kind of contact with aliens — short-term kidnapping for vivisection with a return (Rotating abduction) and memory, locked on an episode of abduction. Often referred to as "the contacts of the fourth kind". In a typical case of abduction of a witness (usually in solitude, but sometimes with someone for two, or, even rarer, with family) driving on a deserted road late at night and sees a strange light in the sky. There are problems with the engine and / or lights, then can be heard strange noises and passengers may experience unusual mental states. Then they come to life in another place and show, that have no memories of what happened to them during a certain time

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