Head 4. Jigsaw puzzle of the big picture

Meanwhile, There are quite some simple features of forged wheels from the definition of "meadow phenomenon". Here are some signs of "real":

— spikes in the figures of "community" is not broken, and bent at about 3-5 centimeters from the ground, there, where the first spike caper, at an angle of ~ 90 degrees,

— knot expanding ear (pranks),

— changes in the nucleus in cereals,

— changes in cellular structure (changes in the DNA),

— appearance of cavities in plants, as if they were heated from the inside,

— increased infrared radiation inside and outside of the figure,

— deviation of the magnetic field,

— increase in radiation of about 3 fold compared with normal background,

— "Circles" in the fields occur at night, in the morning just a few seconds ...

These figures "circles" a mathematically precise, researchers manage to read the encrypted them a variety of complex theorems. Spikes are twisted into a helix, which uses the same logarithmic ratio, that in the Fibonacci numbers or the golden ratio. The bottom of the figure can have up to five layers, and wheat in each layer twisted to the side, opposite to the previous. Each spike in them lies neatly next to each other. In the center of a circle ears are tricky way bind, and often at the center can be located only one erect ear (usually stands untouched bunch of ears).

Information for lozohodtsev: "Circles" can be "scanned" and detected by dowsing, even for next year, when the field is again plowed.

Poltergeist. About the "house", "Noisy spirits" and "troubled homes" we have all heard. The researchers believe, that the "poltergeist" is likely as old, as humanity itself. Already in ancient history may find the first concrete indications, that human dwellings, are, are filled with unintelligible noises, becoming "restless". And the reason for worry — all there ghosts, Ghosts, evil spirits, soul umerših.

One of the earliest poltergeist cases were registered in Germany 355 year BC. in Bingham on the Rhine. "Restless," the house is literally bombarded with stones, throws people out of their beds, of the walls of houses belched horrific knocks and bumps, audible far from the neighborhood.

However, until the XIX century, the term "poltergeist" does not exist, all incidents were written off in the tricks of "evil forces" behind which the characters of folk demonology guessed — brownie, fagot, mokruha, hell, devil, Demon and other. At last, in 1838 in the English language (in fiction) first used the German word poltergeist, which literally means noisy, шумливый, a mischievous spirit, and translated into Russian as a ghost, ghost, brownie. In Russian the word "Poltergeist" was first published only in 1982 Bills in a foreign periodical, but has remained almost unnoticed. And the word was spread to the general 26 May 1987 year — from the date of publication of the newspaper "Izvestia" article L.Ivchenko and N.Lisovenko "Yenakiyevo" miracle ". What scientists think about it ".

The article was about poltergeystnyh tricks in one of the families of Yenakiyevo (Donetsk Region). In addition elektronarusheny, Flight and throwing things, movement of large furniture, began self-ignition, which was suspected of thirteen Sasha, in whose presence it is all happening. Ukrainian case of poltergeist is firmly put in colloquial speech the word "poltergeist", as well as the natural father of a research interest in such things in the entire former Soviet Union.

However, as shown by today's archival discoveries, with the phenomenon of poltergeist in the Ukrainian lands stykalis long. In 1895 in St. Petersburg, published a first book in Russian about poltergeists, "Forerunners of spiritualism in the past 250 years. Prominent cases of spontaneous mediumistic phenomena 1661 , and in the transition to the experimental 1848 year ". Monographer (over 500 Page) A.N.Aksakov (1832-1903) describes dozens of cases of poltergeist activity in Russia and abroad, from 1661 year.

The author pays special place startling poltergeist case in Ukraine. The book gives the full text of Aksakov extensive litigation "On the phenomena, former head of the apartment liptskoy equestrian team captain staged Zhandanchenko and fire, occurred as a result of the add ". The point about these phenomena (namely: unexplained sounds, spontaneous movement and throwing household items, spontaneous combustion) seen in the county and district courts of the Kharkov province until 1856 years and was terminated "for not finding the causes of the extraordinary events".

In May 1896 year, by the magazine "years" (Russian spiritualist weekly, published by a 1881 on 1918 year), to find traces of the direct witnesses of those events liptskih. It appeared to be the actual state councilor F.K.Zaretsky, lived in Ekaterinodar. Aksakov asked him to describe his memories on paper, the result of which was the publication in 1897 in St. Petersburg of the book "Memoirs of a witness mysterious phenomena in the village of Liptsah 1852-1853 years. ". In those years, Fyodor Zaretsky studied in the same class with Kostya Zhandanchenko, son of Captain Zhandanchenko, in one of the Kharkov schools. Coming together with the bones in Liptsy on vacation, Fyodor was the witness of the most mysterious events, which he described more than 40 years later.

But events in Liptsah were really mysterious. 7 January 1853 year in order to stop the strange phenomena in the house were invited to three priests from the clergy of the cathedral for the service. In the morning, and at the time of arrival of the clergy was quiet. A further, According to eyewitness, the following happened: "As soon began to" spell ", there was a double knock at the corner with a bang, where hung the image of; All eyes go there — and we see: part of the board, which was written in the image (about half of its), separates and falls on the table behind a brick, which splintered plank. Confusion general and complete… Has not yet subsided impression of what happened, as appears from the oven pot of boiling water… Going through the air from the furnace, between myself and Nicholas Prokhorovich, and moving rapidly, He hits the left thigh Prohorovich Nicholas with such force, that pushes to the right, and that the boiler, bouncing off the side, falls between the clergy and parishioners, Strait water and filled the front of the kitchen steaming… Parishioners dumbfounded… The service ends quickly…», and the priests in a hurry to leave home, where the hell is going on that.

So, The first Ukrainian poltergeist has been described in detail in the literature 1895 and 1897 years. Books A.N.Aksakova, as noted by the reader, were published in St. Petersburg, but in Kiev newspapers about poltergeists mentioned earlier.

For example, that's what an amazing story told in its pages in the 1890 , the "old Kiev".

In the early 1840s in the city of Poltava province Kolebyaki began to be heard at night, hard blows to the door of the house I.Karpenko, as he later described what is happening: "It's like drumming on the door with stones. My father, a brave man and a strong, hearing strange knockings, quickly opened the door to the front, but then he was forced to close it, because a huge chunk of brick flew to him and was about to hurt. Throwing stones continued for several hours, and the next morning in front of them was a fair amount of, abandoned by unknown. Pieces of brick were flying as if from the ceiling, Meanwhile, as the entrance to the attic was locked, the same way, As the front door, looked out into the hall. Bombardment of bricks continued in the night, whereas there were no bricks in the attic, either in the house, or in the yard. In general, a brick at a time the town had very little, since almost all the buildings were made of wood. My parents were forced to change his flat, and now have nothing to worry "…

In January 1889 year in the town of Alexandria, Rivne district in the house of a farmer, "gone mad" household items, they flew, fell, themselves in the most inappropriate places. Then the priest invited: "During the prayer service… clay pot from the stove flew the entire house and jumped on the head priest, hit him '…

In some cases, the poltergeist phenomenon is tied to a specific carrier, the so-called "focal person". Most often it is young. Sometimes even reported on the specific actions of an outside person with respect to the future of media.

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