Head 6. Civilian research

"Thus, the intensity and depth of Ukrainian anomalistika in recent years yielded in the CIS after Russia ", — experts have concluded after a meeting of the "round table".

There are two events of the 2000s, that will forever go down in history Ukrainian ufology, and without mentioning that this chapter would be incomplete: Museum opening in Kharkiv ufology and disclosure of so-called National Archives of evidence about UFOs over Ukraine (UFOBUA[4]).

"UFO Museum", almost uniform not only in Ukraine, and the former Soviet Union, opened its doors in Kharkov planetarium them. Yuri Gagarin 23 March 2008 year. Organized by its director of the Kharkov planetarium Galina Zheleznyak and UFO artist Igor Berezyuk. Photos and made according to eyewitnesses model flying saucers, four-meter figure of the alien, message to other civilizations of mankind, information about the anomalous zones of the planet, meteorites and evidence-based observations of pilots and astronauts on the possibility of life on other worlds — these exhibits in the museum space and ufology is now available to everyone. Following Kharkovites UFO Museum intend to organize and Donetsk "planetartsy".

It is noteworthy, that the director of the planetarium itself Galina Zheleznyak ufologist. It is a long-term research interest in aliens and helped her gather unique documents, evidence of the existence of brothers in mind. Author of several books on anomalous phenomena says, that the traces of the UFO repeatedly found in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lugano, Zaporizhzhya regions. Samples collected in our area of ​​unearthly soil and crop photos can now be seen not only researchers. One of the exhibits — fragment of the body, fell into the 90s in the Kharkiv region Bogodukhovskaya. Scientists University. Каразина, izvlekshie it from the resulting drop in the 15-meter crater, claim, that the body has an unearthly nature.

It is clear, that the "UFO Museum" at the Kharkov planetarium Research Laboratory does not, but, certainly, is educational and useful educational function, especially among the youth and younger generation.

The first cosmonaut of independent Ukraine L.Kadenyuk aliens in outer space are not met! Instead, they found a UFO museum in Kharkov. Right Igor Berezyuk - artist, author of many sculptures in the "UFO Museum"

And the last significant event of the bygone 2000s was the publication of a free access to the so-called "National Archives of evidence of a UFO over the Ukraine" (in the English abbreviation UFOBUA). This term and status came as a result of the huge number of publications (pereopublikovany) to disclose the UFO club UFODOS Internet archive reports of UFOs over Ukraine, that was previously available only in a closed (local) available to employees of the club.

In October 2009 the club UFODOS, under the strict guidance of my, laid out in the public access network in the near 500 evidence of observations of Ukraine "flying cymbals" (here include a certificate once existed UFO Club "Contact" (S.Hvostov), archives of the Internet project "UFO in Ukraine" (M.Kozyrev), All-Russia Association "Kosmopoisk" (V.Chernobrov), private efforts of enthusiasts - members of the club UFODOS, etc., data, accumulate in a single database, from 2004 year). Archive, we have laid out through a specially designed web-based interface, allows the user to interact with the data: filter information according to several criteria, export the selected data, to conduct statistical calculations, visually assessed by activation of a UFO-an interactive map of Ukraine, etc..

Archive has been laid out after the network had once appeared in the secret archives of contacts with UFOs: USA, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Several other countries announced earlier "secret documents" for universal access. Surely, This factor played a role of attracting public attention to UFOBUA. A few days later Web site could not resist the influx of visitors (server "fell off" on the mark 20000 visitors online), and the fact of the birth of the archive to the "Ukrainian UFO" for several weeks at the center of public attention in many countries around the world.

In March 2011 the number of posts UFOBUA exceeded 1000. Currently, the database is updated mainly through the activity of the club members in the regions UFODOS (There are telephone, Electronic, printing, etc.. line collection of evidence from witnesses of UFO). It should be emphasized, that about 70% coming into the archive of information to reject the initial stage of its consideration.

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