Head 7. Public opinion

Other repeat, that humanity is at the epicenter of a new birth of faith, which is formed terrific pace, replace today's existing conceptions of the Absolute. This is done by accident or intentionally? - Also an interesting question.

Others have gone even further and propose a coherent hypothesis: "UFO — semiotic phantoms ". In other words, signs — attribute of post-industrial society, where everything is built on the production and reproduction of signs. And these signs easily manipulated (and hence the society), especially in the era of electronic media. According to this view, question of the reality of UFOs is not discussed. Focuses on the, that the flow of semiotic phantoms someone intentionally formed on the background of world powers struggle for energy resources (so, rate of increase can be explained publications about the UFO at the time of geopolitical and technological disasters, History shows us that).

Continuing the idea of ​​further, it becomes apparent, shocking that the polls about belief in UFOs and aliens (at least on these pages), are the result of a typical treatment of the mass consciousness. Polls — it is generally typical and well-developed methods, the so-called communication technologies. Method, which is widely used, for example, in election campaigns, in the fight for the electorate, shampoos for customers, for consumers of beer and other. It is no coincidence, that it was with 1947 year (when the subject of UFOs was publicized after the canonical universal message about UFOs, Kenneth Arnold) polls are beginning to be used in so-called UFO studies, first in the U.S., then in other countries.

Against the background of such considerations, "aliens from other worlds," intersect seamlessly with geopolitics, globalization, world domination and world government. If, before the 2000 , all we knew, that the government secretly cooperating with the aliens from UFOs, after 2000 , we see dire signs of such cooperation: millions of earthlings implants, climate change Earth by aliens in order to survive humanity, etc.. The aliens are necessarily "aggressors" (they dwell on the earth in order to capture resources), against which it is necessary to unite all mankind (what reminiscent of Hollywood blockbusters for adults, and even cartoons for very young children have).

Despite the, seemingly absurd, truth is, that the subject of UFOs - the tool of influencing the masses, Of course there are. However, the trouble is that these impacts, we impose the faith, rather than knowledge. Stereotypes, prevailing in modern society around the topic of UFOs have nothing to do with reality, and the problem of modern society is precisely that, that it does not understand (and what are the results of opinion polls). But, prevailing at the time of globalization, when an advertisement is presented to us for information, is not enough. Another thing, that everything is wrong!




Ya.Sochka "Do you believe in UFOs? Shocking polls!», online edition of "Ukraine Abnormal", 20.11.2009 Mr..

«Mufon UFO Journal», December 1997 Mr..

Internet newspaper "Ukrainian newspaper", "Nearly all Ukrainians believe in UFOs", 8 April 2011 Mr../td

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