Head 8. Portrait of Ukrainian UFO

vacation, People are sleeping less and mostly spending time outdoors. That is, UFO activity in the summer months of the year may just be explained by the observation activity of people. At the same time, Other researchers believe, that the summer-autumn "flyapy" somehow directly related to the physical properties of the UFOs themselves (like, for example, to run our space ships need a number of special conditions for the start).

The frequency of reports of UFOs over the Ukraine, depending on the day of the week. Data UFOBUA: 1042 cases as of June 2011 year

Months. If you specify the time of the year by month, then in fact we get the same numbers, that similar calculations in other countries. Look at the graph of the monthly UFO activity in Ukraine, is not it, very similar to the calculations and F.Imbrogno M.Horrigan? My favorite months for the appearance of UFOs over the Ukraine are: July, August, September and October. Which again is connected, likely, with increased observational capability of the subject, and not with the physical properties of the object. Itemized monthly figures shows, что около 24% UFO sightings have occurred since 1 on 10 число месяца, 41% — with 10 on 20 and 35% — with 20 on 30 number. So, UFO activity rather stormy in the middle of each month.

Days of the Week. Schedule, showing the distribution of UFO reports on the day of the week, very clearly illustrates our direct relationship with the activity of UFO activity monitors. We see, most often seen UFOs on Saturday and Sunday, properly, when people are less busy everyday problems and have a free moment to look at the sky.

Some of the "sober," said head, that the graph illustrates the direct connection to prosizhivanie the weekend in the pubs and the amount they had drunk, but the ingenious explanation does not hold water: the majority of UFO witnesses not, that sober, But in addition to all have higher education and age far beyond the junior-naive.

The distribution of UFO reports over the Ukraine, depending on the time of observation. The most common place to meet them in the evening and late at night. Data UFOBUA: 1042 cases as of June 2011 year

Time of day.As has been said, UFOs are more observed in the evening hours. In the graph we see, that, starting from the 17th hour (time, given the Kiev) and up 24 ночи осуществляется существенное количество наблюдений. Очень странно, but the fact, that from the morning until 6 in the morning of UFO activity, higher than in the morning and afternoon, When witnesses are supposed to be more (night because they sleep)! But at the same time, clearly, notice that a bright glowing object flying at night is much simpler and easier, than to see it a day at the sunlit sky. There will be no more than mention, that the observed similarity of the data, obtained by statistical methods in other countries.

Despite the large number of UFO reports, their systematization and analysis, We still have to state, that in all studies of this phenomenon is still controversial and still largely vague. Although some ideas, still hope, looms. It remains to show patience and curiosity, and hopefully, that the accumulation of more and more data, together with their non biased analysis will shed light on the mystery of the phenomenon of "flying saucers".


A.B.Petuhov "Collection and processing of information about UFO sightings and paranormal phenomena", Moscow, "Soyuzufotsentr", 1991 Mr..

Ya.V.Sochka "UFO Dictionary", the article "Ukraine-Russia triangle", 2004 Mr..

Ya.V.Sochka "UFO in Ukraine. The language of numbers " (manuscript), 2002 Mr..

F.Imbrogno and M.Horrigan "Contact fifth kind", Kharkiv, "Family Leisure Club", 2001 Mr..

Statistics UFOBUA, 1042 cases as of 16 June 2011 year
activity and the fall, especially in October). But it should take into account one important detail. Summer — month leave, school

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