Head 10. Towards a unified theory of UFOs

Just as things are, and with the appearance of UFOs and pilots, it would be just weird, если бы было все наоборот! Патрик Хью, author of "Index of nezemlyanam" concludes in his book: "If you come from South America reported a rather aggressive dark-complexioned young dwarfs, that of Europe, in particular, from England - a much more friendly high-and blue-eyed blonde ... Such an obvious geographical differences between the types of aliens is a serious stumbling block in proving the actual existence of UFO nezemlyan. This phenomenon as it forms its own image, consistent with the culture and time, in which it appears. This implies a, that such contacts are more visions, than visits ".

Why is this happening? The answer lies in the human brain! The man sees the individual items and the information goes to the respective centers of the brain. The brain analyzes it, breaks into fragments, combines and, Using an existing store of information, recognizes the image of. Но работа эта ведется на уровне подсознания в очень короткие промежутки времени, so we can not reproduce fast-processes. And when we face a funny thing, "fleeting", it comes into effect the so-called "metaphorical Information adapting" to the familiar images of (not picking up the observed phenomenon unique, brain substitutes the true image of the false, previously familiar — one sees not, that there is actually, and that he expects to see).

Speaking in general, from the standpoint of the ordinary (terrestrial) Logic and common sense, based on the range of phenomena, accustomed to man and place him in a familiar environment, behavior of UFOs and related phenomena are so strange and contradictory, that are unlikely to exist in reality in the form, in which we perceive them. But they, nevertheless, occur in reality. We just do not have the courage to look at it from a different angle.

One of the most decisive arguments in favor of the theory we are considering, give us the so-called icons - geometric shapes, arising from the grain weighed down to the ground. The first written mention of them occur in the Middle Ages, a reference to go back thousands of years. At the present time, due to the "joker" (among them large advertising company), We all know, what it is and how it looks, but, unfortunately, do complicate a language comprehension, which may be a long time and we are constantly dictated by!

In many countries in the wheat fields appear, these figures. Most of them have a proper and a complex geometric shape and size of the giant (sometimes hundreds of meters in diameter), so that attempts to explain the formation of a geophysical, atmospheric and other phenomena (Even it is not clear, how to make a UFO in the UFO interpretation) have failed.

The first such mass icon appeared in the 1980s and looked like a simple circle (defenders of the material "alien spacecraft" then they got stuck with landings of UFOs, after spinning UFO tarelkoobrazny leave it on the correct form of a circle). But every year more and more people icons, almost on a progression (with 1987 on 1990 they were recorded in

bag are his work 418, but for only one 1990 year - about 2000), but most importantly - a form of complicated shapes. Instead of simple circles, triangles and squares in the fields began to emerge a giant double helix of DNA, words (and whole sentences), ornaments and portraits of the creatures, and closer to our time, and such intricate shapes, that can not be identified with something known.

In this regard,, obviously, icons that carry the specific information (increase in the complexity of shapes - just points to the dictation of the alphabet - from simple to complex) and this circumstance - an additional and powerful argument to the information nature of the UFO phenomenon. But, This alphabet was dictated by humanity for centuries: unknown cave symbols, figures on the rocks, plants, Animals, well and, at last, on the human body, so-called "cosmic tattoo", which we mentioned earlier.

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