Head 9. About Cats, dogs and transformers

Hypersphere (hypothesis of the multidimensional space). The complex physical and mathematical-philosophical question, allowing the existence of multi-dimensional worlds better than our. We live in three dimensions (height, width, longitude) and one temporal, and existing mathematical models of multi-dimensional worlds admit the existence of worlds with dozens or more dimensions.

Protein-psychological hypothesis. According M.Talbotu, UFO — proteins, therefore, that they are an integral part of the phenomenon hameleonoobraznogo, changing the mapping of time structures. Mental aspect is the phenomenon parafizicheskom, influencing the psychological state of the observer (UFO's eyewitness). Misty definition, Though fairly slim.

Geological hypothesis. In areas of tectonic faults occur, mechanical stress, giving the so-called piezoelectric effect. Electric fields ionize the air. There are glowing columns of ionized gas, acquire some form of lenticular. They in turn can give rise to various phenomena of electric and magnetic characters, which in turn can give rise to hallucinations, and the ensuing consequences (

The underground civilization. Hypothetically, there may be extensive and very ancient civilization beneath the surface of the Earth (like, As the water in the hypothesis of "Homo akvatikus"). It could give birth to a race of ancient hominids, which in the past has gone to ground and began to live in underground caves. Could give birth to this civilization, and extraterrestrial beings, once in the past visited Earth, etc..

Shambhala. Speech on the protected, a remote place, which merges with the cosmic mind earthly, inhabited by teachers of mankind. Something like "space headquarters of esoteric knowledge". Shambhala and its teachers — favorite theme of modern Theosophy.

Aliens. Residents of other (other) Planet, possibly, from another solar system, visiting Earth, observing and monitoring the development of mankind in the future in order to establish contact with him (or biomass is growing, experimenting in the laboratory to create the worlds, etc., are in fact there are many options).

Biotechnology. UFOs are based biotech (man-made objects on the structure and main functions are close to the maximum nutrient) and created supertsivilizatsiey. That is, we can talk about artificial life — bioform.

Video. We observed phenomena — Broadcast three-dimensional image (hologram) ET (some believe, it is the handiwork of some intelligence). Possibly, distance is the psychological preparation of humanity into contact with an extraterrestrial civilization or, what is worse - zombie.

A new phenomenon. We are dealing with a rare (expected weather) phenomenon of the earth's natural. UFO — a kind of "white spot" in our scientific knowledge of the world.

Fireball. Since the phenomenon of ball lightning is not fully investigated (there are even scientists, who refuse to believe in its existence) and some of its inherent characteristics of the phenomenon of UFOs, Some researchers consider them as a single (see, for example, E.V.Lesnyak "UFO Phenomenon", Kiev, "Ukrvuzpoligraf», 1991);

Идеологическая диверсия. В бывшем СССР появление аномальных явлений на страницах прессы рассматривалось некоторыми как вызов материалистическому мышлению с целью расшатать мировоззрение советских граждан. The organizers of the campaign indicated the CIA, Masons, Zionists and other. Interestingly, that even today the subject of UFOs for some reason is a tool for influencing the masses, as stated above (cm. Head 7. "Public opinion").

Fireball in the opinion of Eugene LESNJAK can take the form of a cone and truncated cone. Meanwhile, unified physical theory of the origin and course of such a rare phenomenon so far not submitted. There are approximately 200 theories explaining the nature of ball lightning, но ни одна из них не получила абсолютного признания в академической среде

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